I founded Xuxa Socks (originally Xuxa Wear) in 7th grade. I started by selling shirts and hats to my friends in middle school.
When I was a freshman in high-school, I turned Xuxa Wear into a sock company and changed the name to Xuxa Socks.
I traveled to hundreds of off-road events around the US to sell socks.
At the events, I gave the top-athletes free socks in exchange for exposure on their vehicles and social media.
Companies started approaching me at events asking if I could make them custom socks for their brands. After the first order, I realized I could make a lot more money selling custom socks than selling my own brand. Here's a sock I made for Lucas Oil.
By the time I got to college, I was selling 30,000 pairs of socks a year and used the business to pay my way through UC Berkeley. I would see strangers wearing socks in different cities I'd travel to all the time. It was an incredible feeling.
After eight years of running the business, I was ready for something new, so I closed the doors and started learning how to code.